Monday, 13 May 2013

Diffuser Dilemma

If you're anything like me, it's important to try and work with my curls and not against them. Lots of people used to suggest using a diffuser on the end of my hairdryer to do this, and quickly dry my hair. However using a diffusing adds air into the curl and can leave them frizzy!

To Diffuse or not to Diffuse that is the question?!

My tip:
Leave your curls to dry naturally

If you don't have time or are supersticious and don't like going out with wet hair, then use a diffuser by all means, but just add additional time into your drying time to style properly. If your hairdryer doesn't com with a diffuser and you want one check out here or just type it in online. They are between £3 and £15 and are better than just drying your hair with a normal hairdryer.

I'll have a few hair products coming soon to help style curls after or before drying. Keep your eyes open girls!


  1. Hi! I can't get the hang of the diffusing, any chance you could upload a video?? I know it's a long shot but I'd really appreciate it .

    1. Aw hey, funnily enough I was debating starting a youtube account for videos. It might be terrible, as I only have my iphone to video really, but I will try in the next week and reply on here to let you know when? Sound good?

  2. Thank so much! Can't wait for the youtube channel :) life saver!
